
This is a general massage suitable for all horses. The holistic treatment covers the whole body and works on any problem areas discovered. The treatment helps maintain wellbeing and function, and also reduces the risk of injury and improves performance.

Ideally used up to 4 times per year to maintain the benefits.

Benefits include:

Relaxes the horse’s mind and body

Improves coat and skin

Improves muscle tone

Removes lactic acid from muscles

Promotes drainage of lymph and its waste products

Boosts circulation

Keeps joints supple

Reduces muscle tension

Releases muscles spasms and stress points

Increases the horse’s range of movement and suppleness, reducing risk of injury

Improves co-ordination and balance

Reduces crookedness and helps develop muscles more evenly.


This massage is suitable for particular musculo-skeletal problems, loss of performance or injury in the horse; e.g. crookedness, back pain, stiffness, after a fall. The treatment covers the whole body but time is spent focusing on problem areas.

Ideally used once a week for up to 4 weeks. During this time, the expertise of farriers, saddlers, chiropractors etc, may be sought as appropriate. Please note, that massage is NOT a substitute for veterinary attention.

Benefits include:

As above but also-

Reduces healing time and aids recovery

Mobilises joints

Reduces and relaxes muscle tension

Releases spasms

Prevents muscles shortening, this occurs after muscle injury

Relieves pain in the muscles

Removes scar tissue from the muscle

Prevents muscle wastage after injury

Pre-event Massage

This massage is ideal prior to hard work or competition, allowing the horse to perform at its best. It can be stimulating or relaxing, depending on the temperament of the horse and the discipline.

Ideally used up to 4 hrs before the event.

Benefits include:

Boosts the blood circulation and promotes lymphatic drainage

Reduces the risk of injury by increasing synovial fluid in the joints, increasing the range of movement in the muscles and increasing tissue elasticity.

Improves mental focus

Calms or stimulates the horse

Post-event Massage

This massage is ideal after a competition. The treatment relaxes the horse’s mind and body after an event, and covers the whole body focusing on discipline stress points and can find areas of trauma.

Ideally used between 2 – 4 hrs after the event.

Benefits include:

Checking for areas of trauma

Encourages removal of lactic acid

Boosts blood circulation and promotes lymphatic drainage

Reduces built-up tension in the muscles

Releases muscle spasms and stress points, developed during the event

Prevents stiffness

Reduces recovery time