What is Equine Sports Massage Therapy?
Equine Sports Massage Therapy (ESMT) is a complementary therapy which is used in conjunction with veterinary procedures and in some cases in association with other therapies, chiropractors, remedial saddlers and farriers. ESMT uses a range of professional techniques; Swedish massage, myofascial release, sweating, active and passive stretches. ESMT works on nearly all the muscles and soft tissues, and also improves skin quality and the function of the nervous, skeletal, circulatory and lymphatic systems, as well as promoting the production of synovial fluid, needed for supple joints. All the techniques use a hands-on approach allowing the therapist to explore the muscles for areas of tightness and soreness. ESMT relieves muscle tension and compensatory tension, therefore allowing the horse to function at their best. ESMT can be used on every horse, pony and donkey from the happy hacker to the elite athlete.